Friday, September 30, 2005

Maiden trip out of Charlottesville

I just concluded an MSN chat with Renhua and Suraj, two ex-debaters (yes, ex-debaters, bitch all you want the two of you) who are absolutely in love with each other (go figure). Essentially they're both good kids but anyway, talking to them surprisingly made me realise how much fun debating was and the days of being a debater/trainer/chief-terrorist-sending-out-nasty-emails is surprisingly something I think I miss. It's possibly the only thing that brings out the human goodness in me - the desire to actually help others do well in life. Now and then, anyway.

The weather is starting to turn and freeze on me, which is kinda irritating. Autumn kicked in pretty dramatically last Saturday - at the Homecoming game. The best assurance of the fact that the weather has changed dramatically could be the fact that everyone around me is bitching about how cold it is...BEFORE I bitched about it. Cue fellow Singaporeans Jem and Clara (incidentally, it's 49F outside, which makes it a very cool 9 Celsius. KNN).

Random thought: watched the Champions League game of Pool vs Chelski yesterday in one of the suites where I stay. It's actually pretty nice to finally be able to get hold of some proper football. Match sucked, though - Chelski bore the hell out of everyone. As usual. Still, it's pretty nice to be able to get hold of something as simple as a sport that the real world actually watches - hey you Americanos, are you listening to me?!?!?!

I'm off to Washington DC this weekend, meaning no updates (potentially) for some time. Am too tired and uninspired to come up with a piece that makes any sense (or fun reading). Here's a picture of my delicious lunch - the cold weather is so going to make me fat.

PS - Anybody wants something from DC, drop me an SMS.

How much more can you stuff on a sub?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo! I want something from DC! I don't care what but I just want something! Hurhur. But anyway, I'm going to have my housewarming party/italian boy's birthday party/english girl's birthday party at my apartment tonight! And I'm going to Vegas next Thursday! Yay! Take care, Song, and have fun in DC.

2:24 PM  

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