I'm trying to recall what I can of NYC on my last day there. Strangely enough, the first memory I have is me pointing out to Jem, Cheryl and Mun a bunch of scientologists. How did I know they were scientologists? Thank my friends at South Park, creators of an amazing episode taking the piss out of scientologists.
Since NYC was on strike that day, my day ended up starting a tad later than I had hoped for, with lots of planning to work around the strike. That totally killed any plans of mine to go to the downtown areas. Because my day started late, I also abandoned any hopes of visiting the museums (a real pity, really). Instead, I arranged to meet up with Mun in the early to mid-afternoon before being joined by Jem and Cheryl.
Prior to heading down, yours truly decided to sample a little of the quaint places near Columbia. Near where I was staying is a place called Mondel's Chocolates. The chocolates are fantastic - I bought a small sample for myself and the other people to share and specifically, Cheryl was extremely surprised at how good the chocolates were. This shop also happens to pride itself on being Katharine Hepburn's favourite chocolate place. It's pretty unique to NYC, really. Check it out at 114th Street off Broadway if you ever pop by.
Anyway, the weather was a lil' warmer than expected, so yours truly took a walk right down to 80th Street or so, to meet up with Mun. We settled in at yet another Zagat rated venue, World Coffee (yes, as I've told Jem, everything is Zagat-rated in NYC because if it's not, it's almost for sure to be pretty shite). Much chatting and just generally going ga-ga over how amazing and amazingly expensive NYC is.
This was followed by just some walking around, checking out venues to meet, because for some strange reason, Jem and Cheryl suggested a Vietnamese restaurant. Seriously, guys, a Vietnamese restaurant in NYC?! It's a good thing we decided to go with something a lil' more interesting and found Cafe Ronda, a fantastic Argentinian restaurant that cost a bomb. Something like US$40 a head for a really full set dinner - bread with some really, really good olive oil, followed by the main courses of paella and parradilla with sangria at the sides (Mun, I'm sorry it was so strong! I had no idea!). Oh, and some varieties of dessert too. I'm amazed we ate so much but it was worth every single frickin' penny. This would be arriving in food heaven.
Meat heaven.
Rice heaven.
Dessert heaven.
Sangria makes you...happy.The dinner session lasted a really long time, and obviously there's no need to explain why. The rest of the night was just spent walking around, talking and finally hanging out at Macdonald's, because it's the only joint open late at night near the Times Square area. We finished a pseudo-fight of sorts at the MacD's but otherwise not really much action. Jem went bonkers over Vegas, ranting and raving and saying something about how it's a place where we should organise another trip but only for guys (go figure). Myself, I went nuts over NYC, pretty much ranting and raving about Broadway, dinner and how this would be a great place to meet up in about 10 years' time. I think I might just follow up on the suggestion I made to Shell about buying up Central Park or possibly buying a yacht and placing it there. Just need to find someone ultra-rich to marry now...
We ended the night walking Mun back to her place, down Fifth Avenue (yes, ladies and gentlemen, land of the Bergdorf Goodmans and super-expensive brandnames I don't recognise) before heading to her place somewhere near 2nd Avenue. Daniel, host to Cheryl and Jem, was kind enough to pick us up and drop us back from Mun's place. What a guy.
Not that much else to say - unfortunately most of the pictures are on Mun and Jem's cameras so I can't upload more pics. Just 2 things. Firstly, the bloody union ended the strike the day I left - like, WTF, man! I need to buy the lottery. Secondly, I incurred a US$129 excess baggage charge helping to bring stuff back for Jem and friends so Jem, you owe me big-time!!!!
God, I miss NYC already...