Napping and instant gratification
One thing about winter that seriously bothers me is how napping in the afternoon totally messes you up. For example, if you go to sleep at 4 something and wake up at about 7 (i.e. yours truly at the moment), then the whole area is pitch black and you're like "Woah, did I just sleep the day away?". And granted I've done this often enough to kinda get used to it but waking up with the sky pitch black seriously disorients you. I mean, the sky should be dark AFTER 7, not at 5+. Bah.
I need a haircut.
Having survived 2-3 nights of crazy sleeping hours to finish the Astronomy labs, I'm glad to say that I'm rid of astronomy for pretty much forever. I generally do enjoy learning and going to the lab to see night sky phenomena is actually pretty fun but somehow the sense of dread of completing astronomy sessions just kinda botches everything up. Plus I hate Physics. With a vengeance. Like the Sith kind of vengeance.
Had the chance to spoke to my Financial Trading professor today, who was actually really nice about talking about career options in, surprise surprise, trading. I can most definitely see the appeal in a career in trading but right now, yours truly is semi-disillusioned with the whole jobhunt shebang and seriously couldn't give a damn. That plus finals tomorrow and the day after and Monday and a nice holiday to NYC shortly after.
Just watched Arrested Development on Monday and there's this part in the show where Charlize Theron (mega-hot, just behind Scarlett Johansson) yells at the lead character "I want to have sexual relations". Just thought it was interesting how I had this conversation with someone about sexual relations in America - apparently it tends to happen before you become boyfriend and girlfriend with somebody. Then it dawned upon me America was the land of instant gratification and all was well again.
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