Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blame it on the weatherman

It's been some time since the last update - the week has been hectic (not just by exchange standards), with 3 quizzes, a lab session and of course, lots of Football Manager to play. Not to forget those darned job applications too, with a couple due this week.

D.C. was fantastic for a 1-day trip - I got the opportunity to visit some of the museums at the place known as the Mall. Amongst the more noteworthy exhibitions included one on Brown vs Board of Education at the National Museum of American History, an exhibition on American involvement in military campaigns at the same museum, as well as one on military aviation history at the National Air and Space Museum. Photos to come for sure, but man, loading pics from these places are always way too much effort.

Halloween also passed last weekend and as my roommate quite succintly puts it: "Halloween is an excuse for women to slut out". It's really quite true - for those who've had fantasies of either meeting or becoming catholic schoolgirls, french maids, devils, angels or bunny girls, well, UVa would be where you find them or where you'll be joined by others in similar costumes. Amongst the more creative ones we saw was a girl with her Facebook profile (similar to a Friendster profile) cut out on cardboard and sticking her face through where the picture column is - you gotta give it to her for creativity.

The weather's absolutely insane - it's been 20 something degrees in the day, dropping to 0 degrees at night. At the same time, the reversal of daylight savings time means that everything sorta happens one hour faster. So the sun gets up one hour earlier, while sunset occurs at about 5:45pm. Yes, kids, you heard me right - sunset at 5:45pm. What the hell is wrong with this country?!?!?!?!

Time to head off for more lab work - one of the good things of night sky observations is that at times, you get really lucky and get to see beautiful phenomena. Check out the Pleiades, which we were able to spot last night (incidentally, it's the logo of Subaru, the car company)


Blogger wen 涵温 said...

hey, u're lucky to gain an extra hour. i lost an hour last term! it's weird how my frens took 2 hours to do the laundry the nite they readjusted the time. i have to wake up an hour earlier for classes. the sky was still bright at 9pm. those were the days... =)

11:52 PM  
Blogger Song said...


I thought nobody was going to get the reference, but I forget how influential B*witched was. Erm, not really...


Gaining time is great but sun going down at 5:45pm is kinda freaky, don't you think?

3:14 AM  

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