Friday, September 02, 2005

Friday nights are about having fun.

This is, naturally, an obvious statement. In fact, it belongs to the "stating the blinding obvious" category so much so that it would categorise as what members of the Singapore Armed Forces deem a "motherhood" statement. This makes absolutely no sense, which is very ironic, given that we are talking about something very obvious.

In any case, what makes Friday nights different between life back home and here at UVa is the means by which we celebrate Friday nights. For example, while Friday nights in Singapore may be clubbing night for a number of students (and in all fairness, the likely locations are also pretty well known), the amount of mass activities conducted for all at UVa on Friday nights is, well, pretty interesting.
Take, for example, the fact that Jason Mraz will be performing in Charlottesville in about 5-6 weeks, on a Friday. Or the hynoptism performance tonight by Tom DeLuca.

Having just watched the show about 15 minutes ago, I'm naturally unable to collect my thoughts and think about what happened, except for the fact that it was bloody hilarious. Here's a number of party tricks/suggestions if you wanna carry out a mock hynoptism act (based on actual performances today).

"On the count of 3, every time you answer a question, it'll be with a pick-up line."

"On the count of 3, you're gonna forget the number 6. It's been erased. There's no number between 5 & 7"
*snap* "Okay, now count your fingers."

"On the count of 3, you're going to say 'Who's your Daddy' everytime you hear the word 'Connecticut'"
(insert gung-ho person who's willing to perform a pseudo-skanky performance - at least that was what happened in real life)

"On the count of 3, when you hear the words 'We're having too much fun', you're going to come in and act as the Chief of the Fun Police."

"On the count of 3, when you hear the word (insert university name), you're going to act as the #1 Cheerleader in the (university)."

"On the count of 3, you're going to forget what the university mascot is."
*snap* "Alright, you blue and orange....RATS! R-A-T-S! Yeah, (rival university), you're going down! It'll be the bubonic plague all over again!"

"On the count of 3, you're going to realise that fruits have feelings."
*snap* *proceed to munch on apple*


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